
There seems to be an obsession amongst men these days with being the “alpha male.” I can’t say I blame them. What red-blooded guy doesn’t want to be leader of the pack, top dog, the BIG shot and irresistible to ALL women (that’s right, ALL of them). Most men don’t know how to do this, so they seek answers on the web.

Plenty of sites offer advice and guidance on how to become more alpha. Most discuss the alpha mindset and body language. Few discuss how to talk like an alpha male. This is for good reason, since true alpha males barely utter a word. Their presence is just felt, and their intentions are known through their signature stare and stature – much like a Jedi.

Alphas are not mutes though. While not verbose by any means (this would diminish their mysterious allure,) they do communicate with words when necessary. Here are some examples of how to talk like an alpha male:

Point. At everything.

Alpha males know what they want and have no qualms about letting it be known. See a woman you like? Point at her and stare intently. She cannot resist becoming entranced by your piercing gaze, and will come over to you (much like how Dracula lures his victims to him). Want the last slice of pizza? He who points at it claims it. Eat up.

Master the art of snarcasm.

Alphas are known for having witty comebacks to just about anything. Think James Bond. Some would call him snarky, others sarcastic. He is actually both. His comments and replies are rife with sarcasm, and snarky all the same. He combines both elements to great effect.

Keep most of your responses to one word.

Alphas are masters at saying a lot in as few words as possible. The more alpha you are, the fewer words you should use to respond. Try to limit responses to one word. Here are some examples that you can use:





The amount of condescension in your tone of voice while saying these should be proportionate to how dominant you are (which should be very dominant, since you are alpha.) Just as effective is staring directly in the persons eyes and saying NOTHING. This keeps them on their toes and your alpha mystique alive.

Speak with your body

Approximately 80% of communication is via body language. Alphas know this truth and implement it with perfection. Use your limbs to take up as much space as possible. This conveys pure dominance. Others will naturally give you a wide berth. Some may attempt to challenge your claimed space. When this happens, simply stare them in the eye and say NOTHING. They should quickly move back into their own space if you are truly alpha.

There is not much more to say on the topic of speaking like an alpha male because they do not speak much at all. However, with these tips in mind, you too can speak in a more alpha fashion and become the dominant, irresistible ladies man you desire to be.


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